• The White Wood forest
  • It is situated near Touvre and the waters that travel from the River Bandiat to the River Touvre pass underground here.

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    It seems that the history of White Wood is closely connected to that of the village of Touvre. Of state-owned origin, it formed part of state administered properties in the Revolution.
    Of a surface of 703 ha, 70 % of it is covered with sessile and other species of oak, 30 % of other types of tree (hornbeam maples, lime trees, fruit). Coniferous trees have been planted in more recent times.

    Curiosities :
    Crevices : hole of Mazart of Trots Fox, explored in 1931 by a M Mazart ; an accident victim during this exploration, he died from consequences of its wounds in 1934.
    There are other small crevices of a maximum depth of 3m.
    Lakes : Lake, Lake Pretty, Lake Perrot, Lake of the Slat (Lac Coquet , Lac Perrot , Lac de la Latte) These bodies of water are not actually lakes, but rather where depressions in the clay have colelcted rainwater (maximum diameter 5M).

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    Ruins : Gallo-Romans where sadly we find only fragments of tiles.
    Remarkable trees : some oaks in the traffic circle of the Officers, in the Varennes and in the Pretty Lake.